Reflections ~ End of Pediatrics Rotation
A little late with this post, but here it is! I had a really great experience in pediatrics at an amazing children's hospital in NYC. My instructor was also someone who was full of energy, knowledge, and passion for this profession. I must say.... switching to Pediatrics specialty is becoming more and more of interest to me. I always had an interest in pediatrics having volunteered at Stanford Children's Hospital (Lucile Packard) and Rady Children's Hospital in California. However, it wasn't until now that I can see myself working with pediatric patients and their family as a career. I have a passion for health promotion and prevention...and what better age group than childhood to educate and inform about preventative health? Don't get me wrong, I understand that much of a child's health lies in the hands of the parents. Working in pediatrics isn't going to be sunshine and rainbows, handing out lollipops and stickers to cute kids. I know it will be tough -- the worried parents who search symptoms on WebMD, the children who won't let you touch them ANYWHERE, infliction of pain on kids (vaccination), etc, etc. But I love the idea of primary care and watching a child grow up. I think about my pediatrician and how good she was at distraction and quick technique in giving me shots, how she was always thorough in my physical assessments, and informed my worried mother about every finding and milestone.
Although I am currently set to go into the Family NP program here at Columbia, I would have to give up that seat when/if I apply for the Pediatric NP program. It's a little intimidating knowing that I give up my FNP seat when I decide to fill out an application and am not guaranteed to get into Pediatrics. But hoping everything works out for the best!
Next up -- My 3rd 5x5 rotation = Psychiatric Mental Health rotation!
Talk to y'all soon!