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NCLEX SERIES (Pt. 3: The Post-NCLEX Wait)

​Here it is! Part 3/3 of my NCLEX SERIES blog posts. Today I will be discussing my thoughts and feelings leading up to the day I received my results, and the Pearson Vue trick that calmed my nerves a bit. ***NOTE: take my thoughts on the Pearson Vue trick with a grain of salt. It accurate for everyone I personally know who has done it. There have been individuals on forums who have said that it was wrong in that they got a "bad pop-up" when they actually did pass. Did they actually do the trick correctly? I can't answer that. Keep reading if you want to learn more about my experience!

So... the test shut off on you at whatever question number. You either feel super confident that you totally passed, or you feel a little perplexed -- did I pass? did I fail?

I'll let y'all know -- once I got past 75 questions, I really had to calm my nerves and take each question one at a time.. to tell myself "You still have a chance of passing, Meagan. Just keep going. " And the exam finally shut off at 84 questions. I did the 30 experimental questions at the end (which felt like forever), gathered my belongings in the locker, and stepped out to use the restroom. You do have the option of ending the experimental questions once you start, but I was too nervous thinking I would mess something up -- but you won't. I had friends who just ended the experimental exam and left. It won't affect your actual NCLEX results.

I remember going to use the restroom and obsessively checking and any other forum to see if the Pearson Vue (the NCLEX exam company) trick was a reliable way to tell if I passed or not. Honestly, I could have just been patient and wait the 48 hours so that I could pay the testing company a small fee of $7.95 to find out my unofficial PASS or FAIL results.

Overall, I felt pretty good about the exam. I had some pretty difficult questions which is considered a good thing, higher level questions. I also had a decent amount of select all that apply (SATA) questions which is also a good sign of higher level questions. I ended up treating myself to a cappuccino at a nearby coffee shop and took the train back home. Once I got home, I decided to try the trick (apparently you could do the trick almost right after you take the exam, it shouldn't make a difference) I logged into my Pearson Vue account, the same account you used to register for the exam.

GOAL OF THE PEARSON VUE TRICK --> To get the "good pop-up" which essentially means after going through with signing up for a new NCLEX test date, you would get a pop-up that says that you are UNABLE to register for another exam. A "good pop-up" would generally look like this -->

There are also other versions of this sentence but I also got this sentence shown above -- "Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time." THIS MEANS YOU PASSED!

HOW I APPROACHED THE PEARSON VUE TRICK (an abbreviated version - there are some online websites out there that actually give a better description) -->

1. Logged into my Pearson Vue account

2. Signed up for another NCLEX exam -- filled out all the questions

3. MAKE SURE TO KEEP CLICKING NEXT! Keep the process going as if you were ACTUALLY signing up for another NCLEX exam

4. ENTER YOUR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION! -- what I did -- I entered all the correct credit card information (EXCEPT FOR EXPIRATION DATE -- I changed the year off by two years or something like that) -- the reason I did this was because if you actually did fail and the credit card info went through.. you would be charged right away

5. I kept hitting that submit button and eventually got to the "good pop-up" as seen above!

(( I believe a "bad pop-up" tells you that y

ou entered your credit card information incorrectly and to re-enter))

6. I was a little reluctant, so tried doing the process all over again with the CORRECT credit card information (security code, expiration date, etc.) ... and yet again got the good pop-up! Passed!

7. I would be lying if I said I didn't try doing the trick yet again the next day. Lol.

Having taken the exam for New York State, I had the option of paying $7.95 for "Quick Results" which you can receive online through the Pearson Vue website that you registered through. These unofficial results come 48 hours after you have taken your NCLEX. Here's an explanation of "Quick Results" and the participating states that utilize this --> click here.

You will get your OFFICIAL NCLEX results with your license number in the mail about 2 weeks after your NCLEX. Fancy piece of paper! I also was able to look myself up even before my license number came in the mail on the New York State license lookup website here --> click here I'm sure other states have similar versions of this.


Here is the link to my Pre-NCLEX Series Blog Post (all about what the NCLEX exam is): click me 0

Here is the link to my NCLEX SERIES (Pt. 1: Studying for the NCLEX): click me 1

Here is the link to my NCLEX SERIES (Pt. 2: Day Before NCLEX & Day Of the NCLEX): click me 2

Here is the link to my NCLEX SERIES (Pt. 3: The Post NCLEX Wait): click me 3

Thank you all who have been following along my journey so far! Really hope my NCLEX blog post series helped shine some insight! If you have any personal NCLEX tips, suggestions, or thoughts on that Pearson Vue Trick, leave a comment below! Best of luck!!



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