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Many THANKS to all of you 🙏 , many hours of studying for me 😓

The picture above shows a handful of kind words I have received in email about the blog! I wanted to THANK you all for stopping by and checking it out. It gives me the motivation and desire to continue documenting my journey to share with you all. It's also wonderful knowing that some of my posts are really aiding some of you in your own personal journeys.

I am truly truly truly thankful for the kind words. And I am also truly truly truly sorry for not posting very frequently this semester. I guess school work kind of caught up to me. FINALS is next week so I am definitely studying long hours for that. There is also a group project, and the impending doom of NCLEX (board exam to become an official licensed RN) looming over my head. I will definitely post about what Columbia has done to help prepare us, and how I will be studying for it in the next few months.

As always, feel free to contact me through the "CONTACT" tab if you have any personal questions or concerns and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!



Show me some love!
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